Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010


     I’ve been obsessed with reading lately.  Right now I’m reading The Lightning Thief series, How to Train Your Dragon series, The Chronicles of Narnia series, Harry Potter series (of course), Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Anne of Green Gables series and Through the Looking Glass.  There are probably more, but I’m too tired to remember all of them.

     So, do you have any suggestions for other books I could read?  I love fantasy stories or books with mythology or magic in them.  I’m planning on reading Fable Haven, the Golden Compass series and Vampire Diaries after I finish the rest of these books and the other Eragon books.  I don’t want to read any books with sexual content in them. I find myself too innocent for those.  o3o

     In other news, I had to buy new fabric for my Miyuki Takara cosplay, since I stupidly tried to make the Sailor collar without a pattern.  *pout*  But this is thicker and more true to the actual color, so I guess I shouldn’t be complaining.  There’s a lot of fabric though.  I probably shouldn’t have bought three yards . . .  I’m sad that I have to start all over.  :C

     Although, with all that fabric and since it’s just the right color, I think I’ll be able to make Katara’s Fire Nation outfit or Zuko’s Fire Nation outfit.  Heck, I could make any of them!

     I’m also practicing realism with my art.  After that huge art block, I’ve been trying to get as good as possible, so people will actually start wanting to buy commissions from me.  I want to be a good artist.  Art makes me feel awesome.  Does anyone have any suggestions on art books that would help me further my artistic skill?

     I didn’t get any pictures for Halloween.  I feel like such a sinnerrrrrr~  My costume was super cute too . . .  8C  Next year I will though.  I want to be Link or Sheik from LOZ: Ocarina of Time.

     Hmmmm . . .  I’m out of things to say.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Miyuki Takara

Kosupureeeeee~ *brick'd*

Yes. This is the Miyuki page. Thing. I'll update it every once in a while with new images.


Photoshop, FTW.

Ohmahgaaawsh, a haaaand~

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yes, everything

Do you liek everything? Well good, because that's what I'm posting. As my FIRST order of business, I shall make a list of what is coming up:

♡ Takara Miyuki cosplay - Lucky Star [Image]
♡ Izumi Konata (Nagato Yuki witch style) cosplay - Lucky Star [Image]
♡ New dresses and adorable clothing [Images coming soon]
♡ Gaia Monthly Collectible hats [Images]
♡ Yuna (Gunner) cosplay - Final Fantasy X-2 [Image]
♡ Neku Sakuraba cosplay - The World Ends With You [Image]
♡ Gir dog disguise jacket - Invader Zim [Image]
♡ Amulet Spade cosplay - Shugo Chara! [Image]
♡ Hallowen Town Sora - Kingdom Hearts II [Image]
♡ Asahina Mikuru - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu [Image]

Hmmm . . . I can't think of any more. I'll update this if I do think of more. No, better yet: I'll put it on the side bar. *nod nod*