Monday, September 12, 2011


Not me giving stuff away, but someone else. I'll do one of those eventually. XD But yeah, enter! :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

New cosplay plan!

So the new trailer for Legend of Korra just came out and I am freaking PUMPED. I've already started planning her cosplay, just because she's awesome. ;w;

Plenty of reference pictures for you and me. I can't WAIT. <3 Does anyone know a good, non-Oompa Loompa way to do tan in a can?

Oh, I also got a haircut!

Monday, April 11, 2011


I came home from my College Classes today to my mom insisting that I put my things in my room.  So, I started taking my stuff up to my room when I noticed these:




Needless to say, when my mom started recording me with her iPod Touch I started getting suspicious.  I kept turning to my mom with accusing eyes and asking, “What the heck are you doing?  What’s going on?”

So I put my stuff in my room and followed the footsteps.  When I reached the end, this is what I found:














I was really happy, but really embarrassed.  Not because what he did was embarrassing, but just because I was.  It’s like being asked out for the first time. It’s a good kind of embarrassed. :D

I forgot to get a picture of how I answered, but I just got an ice cream bucket, filled it up with water, wrote “Yes! –EvRed heart” on the bottom of the rubber ducky with the backwards baseball cap on, then put it in the ice cream bucket and put it at his doorstep, knocked and ran. C:

I’m borrowing a dress from someone and it’s SO pretty.  I’m so excited!

Friday, March 4, 2011

St. Patrick's Day crafts and more

Yesterday I decided to do crafts with my brothers for St. Patrick's Day. We made Shamrocks. The two older boys were party poopers and only made one after I made them. But Daron and Ryan had fun.

This is Daron's. He INSISTED that he use the template I made for everyone else, but I wouldn't let him, so he threw a fit. Then he finally did what I suggested and just traced the template.

Ryan sure had fun with the glitter glue . . .

Another one of Daron's. It's a snowman.

Sean's shamrock. I really like his. Too bad most of the glitter just fell off.

Eain's shamrock. Another abuse of glitter.

A heart that Ryan made for our Lucky Shamrock.

With this, we put those hearts on it with what we're lucky to have. Basically, an "I'm thankful for . . . " tree.

Now we will end with a picture of my kitty, Stanley.


I made a Bulbasaur sculpture! I filmed it too, but the video didn't work. This sculpture was made with Crayola Air-Dry Clay.

Bulbasaur from the back. C:

I haven't painted it yet, but I will after I glue his bulb back on his back, since it fell off. :C

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Cosplay Chronicles

They're a great resource for cosplays and they're having a give away! Check them out!


     I had finally decided to hit the sack, a little later than I should have.  It was around 2 AM when I had finally decided to climb into bed.  As I did so, I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I laid in bed and looked out my window, watching the trees bend and thrash so hard from the wind that I was afraid they would fall over.  Usually the sound of heavy storms relaxed me, but something felt wrong this time.

     “Check downstairs,” a voice in my head whispered over and over again.

     I lay in my bed, trying to ignore it and get comfy, but my body just wouldn’t let me.  I tossed and turned for about an hour, before I finally got up and cautiously walked downstairs.

     Thoughts of what could be wrong quickly began flashing though my head.  What if the wind had broken a window?  What if a tree fell over and broke our living room?  What if a door had simply been blown open and our cats ran away?  My heart sunk.

     Turning the corner slowly, I realized the latter was confirmed.  The front door had been blown wide open and was smacking against the wall from the wind, just as I thought.  I could have sworn that I heard dramatic classical music playing at that very moment.  Sitting at the door was one of my cats, Stanley.  When he heard me step onto the tile floor, he turned to me quickly with wide, terrified eyes.  I began to panic and ran toward the door quickly, picking Stanley up.  I shut the door tight, locked it and ran upstairs, covering my mouth and holding back tears.  I walked into my parent’s room and shook them awake quickly.

     “Mom, Dad, wake up,” I said, waiting until they were paying attention to continue, “I just went downstairs and the side door was wide open.”

     My parents and I looked for about half an hour when we came to the conclusion that we could not find Buyo.  When that was decided, I instantly ran to my room, grabbed a quilt and a chair and went outside.  I sat down and began to cry.  What if he didn’t come back?  I prayed hard for hours, begging for him to be okay.  Every once in a while, I would calm down and think about the things around me, only to have my mind wander back to Buyo, which would make me start crying all over again.

     Eventually, I convinced myself that he would be okay and that he would come back.  It was around 4 AM when I went back inside and went to bed.

     I slept until 10 AM, having dreams of Buyo and what could happen to him.  When I woke up, I ran straight to my parent’s bedroom and asked them if he had come back.

     “Yeah, I went to check at around 5 AM,” my dad answered.  “Buyo was curled up at the door and burst through when I opened it.  I think he might have been hurt.”

     I felt indescribable joy when I heard that he had come back, but began to panic when I heard the last bit.  “Where is he now?”

     “Probably under your bed,” my mom replied.

     I instantly began walking back to my room.  All my brothers started talking to be about Buyo, but I didn’t really hear any of it.  I was too worried about my baby.  When I got in my room, I laid on my stomach and sure enough, he was curled up under my bed.  I grinned and began to pet him, knowing it was all okay now.

     That day terrified him so much that he won’t even go outside now.  If the door is open, he will run up to my room with his tail in between his legs to climb under the bed and hide.  He’s learned his lesson, and he came back safe.  I’m so glad he did too.  I have no idea what I would have done if he didn’t come back.  I love my kitties so much.